Our place in the world: Conceptualizing obligations beyond borders in human rights-based approaches to health*

Alicia Ely Yamin Health and Human Rights 12/1 Published June 2010   Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. — Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 28 “Developing countries” is the name that experts use to designate countries trampled by someone else’s development. — Eduardo Galeano1 Abstract The case of Haiti’s devastating earthquake…

From the publisher

Jennifer Leaning With this issue, the editors conclude a thematic series exploring key concepts in a rights-based approach to health. The series began, in Volume 10 Number 1, by addressing the question, “What is a rights-based approach to health and why should we care?” Subsequent issues considered accountability (10:2), participation (11:1), and non-discrimination and equality (11:2). This final number in the series considers the concept of “international assistance and cooperation.”…