Essential Health and Human Rights Resources

FXB CENTER FOR HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS   G. Barrie Landry Child Protection Professional Training program

The Harvard François-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB) Center for Health and Human Rights is accepting applications from Harvard graduate students to the 2025 G. Barrie Landry Child Protection Professional Training program. This interdisciplinary qualification is open to students from any Harvard graduate school. The application form can be accessed here.  Applications close 1 December 2024.

DREXEL UNIVERSITY offers a free online course on health and human rights documentation and advocacy

This course has 10 modules covering the international rights frameworks and how they can be used for change (Know It). How to collect evidence of rights abuses (Prove It). And how to launch effective advocacy campaigns (Change It).


Thematic reports and those from country missions from all special rapporteurs on the right to health from 2002 until the present are included in this resource.

Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng

These are a series of online conversations held in 2020-2021 as the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the right to health was passed from the third mandate holder, Dainius Puras, to the fourth, Tlaleng Mofokeng.

Five meetings were held, each accompanied by a discussion paper and captured in meeting notes.  The rich discussions covered general challenges and achievements as outlined by all the previous mandate holders, human rights and mental health, the impact of criminalization on health rights, and rights based approaches to health.  Read these highly informative papers and meeting notes here.